August 22nd – Saturday -12:05 pm / the tower of the Main Town Hall /
Anna Kasprzycka
Baroque Music on Caril
Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (ok. 1580-1651)
Toccata arpeggiata
z Księgi carillonowej Ioannesa de Gruyttersa (Antwerpia, 1746):
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
Koncert skrzypcowy G-dur (RV310): Allegro, Largo, Allegro
Joseph Hector Fiocco (1703-1741)
L’Angloise i Andante z Pièces de clavecin, Première suite
Domenico Giuseppe Scarlatti (1685-1757)
Sonata K. 87 (opr. A. Abbenes)
Francisco Xavier Baptista (ca. 1730-1797)
Toccata per Organo 2, Toccata per Organo 5 (opr. R.D.Kroezen)
Gottfried Finger (1655-1730)
Ciaccona (opr. F. Deleu)
Johann Kaspar Ferdinand Fischer (ok. 1656–1746)
Passacaglia (opr. A. Abbenes)

Carillonist, sound engineer. Graduate of Theory of Music Departament of Gdańsk Music Academy and the Royal Carillon School in Mechelen in Belgium (2014). Laureate of 2nd prize in Young Carillonists Competition in Saint-Amand-Les-Eaux (France, 2014) and 3rd prize in Carillon Duos Competition in Zwolle, Holland (2013). Scholarship fellow of Adam Mickiewicz Institute, City of Gdańsk President, Erasmus Socrates program. In 2017 (February-April) she was on an artistic-research scholarship in Bok Tower Gardens in Florida. In 2020 (August-September) she has been a resident artist in Kaunas Artists’ House (Kaunas, Lithuania). Since
2008 she has been giving concerts in Poland and abroad (in Belgium, Holland, France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Ireland, Germany, Ukraine, Russia and USA). Inventor of many projects promoting carillon music among children and youth; among them “The circus has arrived!” (with a circus troupe) and “Carillon – a stolem [mythical Kashubian giant] among instruments” (with Barnaby Theatre). She made several world premieres of contemporary composers, including works composed specially for her. She has recorded several CDs with carillon music and has taken part in a few TV programs. Author of piano, vocal and orchestral music transcriptions for the carillon and many articles on carillons. Works as sound engineer in the recording studio of Music Academy in Gdańsk.