30.08 – Friday – 8:30 pm
/ the tower of St. Catherine’s Church /
Closing concert – Cranes
Tommy van Doorn (Netherlands)
/ carillon
Paweł Zagańczyk (Gdańsk)
/ accordion
The Cranes project is a joint concert by two artists from Poland and the Netherlands. Individual compositions will refer to the genre of minimal music. The cranes of the title refer to the charismatic view of Gdansk’s shipyard cranes, their mechanical and automated movements providing the basis for the compositions, reflecting the spirit of the Gdańsk shipyard. The artistic vision of the performers will include numerous improvisations symbolizing the historic freedom of the city of Gdańsk. The combination of carillon and accordion in modern music is one of the unusual ones and proves that in art there are no barriers.
Paweł Zagańczyk (*1984)
Północny wiatr/North Wind
Żurawie I-IV/Cranes I-IV
Ptak nad Kijowem/Bird over Kiev
Minimalna muzyka/Minimal Music

(*1990) is carillonist of the Dutch towns of Boxtel, Geldrop, Schijndel, Son, Valkenswaard and Waalre. He is organist of Saint-Peter’s Basilica in Boxtel where he plays the monumental Smits-organ from 1842. He is active as a performer on carillon, organ and harmonium and as a musicologist. He teaches carillon at the Netherlands Carillon School in Amersfoort (part of the Utrecht Conservatory).
At the Fontys Conservatory in Tilburg he studied organ and piano. Here he obtained his bachelor’s degree in 2014. In 2020, he obtained his master’s degrees in musicology at Utrecht University and in carillon at the Netherlands Carillon School in Amersfoort, where he studied with Frans Haagen, Gijsbert Kok and Christiaan Winter.
He was prizewinner at the international carillon contest in Zwolle and Kampen (Netherlands) in 2018. He made various appearances on national television and radio. In 2021, his carillon playing was featured a yearlong weekly on Dutch national radio. As an organist, he accompanied performances of the Requiems of Fauré and Duruflé and participated in performances of contemporary music. He is artistic advisor for several organizations supporting organ and carillon culture in the south of the Netherlands.
See also: www.tommyvandoorn.com

is an honours graduate of The Stanisław Moniuszko Music Academy in Gdańsk, where he studied the accordion with prof. Krzysztof Olczak. A winner of over twenty accordion competitions, he has performed in Poland and Europe. As a soloist, he performed with a number of orchestras. Paweł Zagańczyk’s repertoire includes compositions commissioned and premiered by himself. The composers who wrote for him include Krzesimir Dębski, Mikołaj Majkusiak, Edward Sielicki, Mehmet Cän Ozer, Dariusz Mazurowski, Krzysztof Olczak, Cezary Paciorek, Gerhard Stäbler, Marek Czerniewicz and Maciej Zimka. Artistic activities bordering on different musical styles and genres are Paweł Zagańczyk’s showcase. So far, he has recorded four solo contemporary music albums – Tango (2014), Globulus (2018) and Fall of Icarus (2019), Impressions (2022), Żurawie (2024) – as well as many chamber music ones. His interests are also improvised music, new compositions and experiments demonstrating the broad spectrum of the accordion.