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24.08 – Saturday – 12:05 pm

/ the tower of the Main Town Hall /

Birds Hidden in Bells

Małgorzata Fiebig (Poland/Netherlands)


Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber (1644-1704)
Sonata violino solo representativa:
Nachtigal (Słowik)
CuCu (Kukułka)
Fresch (Żaba)
Die Henn & Der Hann (Kura i kogut)
Die Wachtel (Przepiórka)
Die Katz (Kot)
Musqetir Mars (Marsz komarów)

Jacob van Eyck (ok. 1590-1657)
Engels Nachtegaeltje (Angielski słowik)

Johann Jakob Walther (1650-1717)
Sonata X – Imitatione del Cuccu

Gioachino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868)
I Sonata G-dur na dwoje skrzypiec, wiolonczelę i kontrabas:

(wszystkie opracowania utworów: A. Abbenes)


is the city carillonist of Utrecht and Nijmegen (The Netherlands).
She studied at the Music Academy of Gdansk (Poland), where she earned a Master of Music in Organ Performance and Choral Conducting. In 1999 she followed a carillon course led by Gert Oldenbeuving after which she became the city carillonist of Gdansk.
In 2004 she moved to The Netherlands and a year later received a Bachelor of Music in Carillon Performance with Arie Abbenes at the Dutch Carillon School in Amersfoort.
She graduated as Master of Music in June 2007 with Frans Haagen and Henk Verhoef. She won several first prizes at international carillon competitions and gave concerts in Europe, the US and Australia. She regularly performs world premieres of carillon compositions.
Recordings of her tributes to David Bowie and Avicii performed on the carillon of the Dom Tower in Utrecht went viral and were viewed millions of times all over the world.
In August 2023 she was the host of the 21st World Carillon Congress in Utrecht.

XXVI Gdański Festiwal Carillonowy