23.08 – Friday – 8:30 pm
/ the tower of St. Catherine’s Church /
During the concert, excerpts from the book „The Girl and the Scholar. The story of two Rembrandts from the collection of Karolina Lanckorońska” by Gerdien Verschoor, translated from Dutch by Alicja Oczko will be read, and the meeting with the author is planned after the concert.
Painted by Sound – literary concert for the 25. anniversary of the Gdańsk Carillon Festival
Małgorzata Fiebig (Poland/Netherlands)
Read by Laura Haras
Gert Oldenbeuving (1946*)
Nocturno St. Catharine (2000)
Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860-1941)
Menuet op. 14 no. 1 (opr. G. Kok)
- Fragment 1 (Polska 1994, list)
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621)
Ballo del Granduca (opr. G. Oldenbeuving)
- Fragment 2 (Amsterdam)
Maciej Kamieński (1734-1821)
„Jakąż w tem krzywdę serce twoje czuje” z opery „Nędza Uszczęśliwiona” (opr. M. Fiebig)
- Fragment 3 (Król Stanisław August Poniatowski)
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621)
Pavana Lachrimea (opr. B. Winsemius)
- Fragment 4 (obóz, Wielki Tydzień, Wielkanoc)
Józef Elsner (1769-1854)
Rondo a la Mazurek (opr. M. Fiebig)
- Fragment 5 (1994, obrazy przyjeżdżają do Polski)
Fryderyk Chopin (1810-1849)
Polonez op. 40 nr 1 (opr. J. Callaerts)

is the city carillonist of Utrecht and Nijmegen (The Netherlands).
She studied at the Music Academy of Gdansk (Poland), where she earned a Master of Music in Organ Performance and Choral Conducting. In 1999 she followed a carillon course led by Gert Oldenbeuving after which she became the city carillonist of Gdansk.
In 2004 she moved to The Netherlands and a year later received a Bachelor of Music in Carillon Performance with Arie Abbenes at the Dutch Carillon School in Amersfoort.
She graduated as Master of Music in June 2007 with Frans Haagen and Henk Verhoef. She won several first prizes at international carillon competitions and gave concerts in Europe, the US and Australia. She regularly performs world premieres of carillon compositions.
Recordings of her tributes to David Bowie and Avicii performed on the carillon of the Dom Tower in Utrecht went viral and were viewed millions of times all over the world.
In August 2023 she was the host of the 21st World Carillon Congress in Utrecht.

a graduate of the Vocal and Acting Department of the Academy of Music in Gdańsk. She made her debut with the role of Griletta in the opera „The Apothecary” by Joseph Haydn, and immediately afterwards the Countess in „The Marriage of Figaro” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Actress, singer, commercial and dubbing actress. She sings actor’s song, classical and musical music, and sung poetry. Laura is the author of a series of musical-theater performances for children which she successfully performs in many cultural institutions such as the Polish Baltic Philharmonic, the State Art Gallery in Sopot and the Sopot Museum. She performs at home and abroad, i.e. in Germany, Finland or Denmark. Since June 2019 Laura works as manager of the Theater of the Gdańsk Archipelago of Culture.

is an art historian, author of novels and non-fiction books. She also works as a copywriter and consultant in the areas of art, heritage and international cooperation. She lived in Poland for many years, where she worked as a cultural attaché at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and earned her doctorate at the Polish Academy of Sciences – Institute of Art History.
Her contractors mainly include museums, cultural heritage institutions and governments.
The main sources of inspiration for her literary works are art, literature and the history of Central Europe. Her books are often rooted in the history of Poland, the country where she lived and worked for many years. World War II also often plays a significant role.
In addition to her freelance work, Verschoor also writes custom literary texts.