August 20th, Friday 8:30 pm / the tower of St. Catherine’s Church /
Modern Carillon Music
Jeffrey Bossin /USA/Berlin/
Muzyka dla carillonu w Berlinie-Tiergarten
Sergiej Tosin (*1953)
Kompozycja na carillon (1995)
Anthony Skilbeck (1947-2013)
The Passion, Play and Placidity of Water (Pasja, zabawa i łagodność wody – wersja solowa, 1997)
Argentyna (na carillon i elektronikę)
Mario Verandi (*1960)
Acariciando Lo Áspero (Dotknięcie szorstkiego, 2005), cz. 1, 2 i 3
Richard Felciano (*1930)
Berlin Fireworks Music (Berlińska Muzyka sztucznych ogni – wersja solowa, 1987)
Muzyka z Polski (ok. 21:15)
Beniamin Baczewski (*1991)
Płynna materia (2016) na carillon, elektronikę i Fontannę Heweliusza

born in 1950 in Santa Monica, California, is a free-lance carillonneur in charge of the Carillon in Berlin-Tiergarten and vice-president of the carillon organization „Eurocarillon„. He studied carillon at the University of Califonia, Riverside from 1968 until 1971, has given concerts in Europe, Australia and the USA and been recorded on several CDs.
He proposed installing Europe’s then largest and heaviest carillon, the Carillon in Berlin-Tiergarten with 68 bells weighing 48 tons to commemorate the city’s 750th anniversary in 1987 and co-designed the instrument which hangs in a specially-built tower in a park setting. Since 1988 he has given regular concerts, hosted many guest carillonneurs and staged several carillon festivals in Berlin.
Bossin has commissioned thirty composers in Europe and the USA to write music for him and staged many concerts with music for carillon and electronics. Bossin was awarded his M.A. in musicology in 1984 from the Technical University of Berlin, wrote the book „The Carillons of Berlin and Potsdam”, has published many articles about the carillon and lectured extensively on the subject in the USA and Europe including at festivals in the Russian cities of Archangel, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Rostov Veliki, Saint Petersburg and Yaroslavl.