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15.07 – Saturday – 12:05 pm

/ the tower of the Main Town Hall /

Prelude – students’ concert

Urtė Krutkevičiūtė

Ignas Vydeika

Vilius Aleinikovas

Witold Maciak

Antoni Ziober

Oskar Skorowski


Vilius Aleinikovas

Geert D’hollander (*1965)

Ludus Modalis I: Spring Morning

Loreta Narvilaite (*1965)

Varpas prabyla i tylą (Dźwięk przemawia do ciszy)

Katarzyna Kwiecień-Długosz (*1978)

A Lullaby For…

Improwizacja (duet z Witoldem Maciakiem)

Witold Maciak

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750)

Praeludium Es-dur BWV 998 (opr. G. Oldenbeuving)

Ennemond Gaultier (1575 - 1651)

Sarabande (z manuskryptu Bauyn, opr. W. Maciak)

Denis Gaultier (1603? - 1672)

Le tombeau de Monsieur de l’Enclos (opr. W. Maciak)

Urtė Krutkevičiūtė

Yann Tiersen (*1970)

La Valse, Sur le fil (opr. K. van Assche) duet z Viliusem Aleinikovasem

Geert D’hollander

Ludus Modalis I: Layers, Melody

Oskar Skorowski

Leen ‘t Hart (1920-1992)

Wariacje na temat piosenki dziecięcej

Ignas Vydeika

Juozas Naujalis (1869-1934)

Svajonė (Marzenie, opr. K. Kačinskas)


Saulele motule užtekėk (Dość słońca, mamo, opr. I. Vydeika)

Geert D’hollander

Ludus Modalis I: Sorrowing


Antoni Ziober 

Zuzanna Wężyk (*1995) 



began his music studies in Klaipėda, Eduardas Balsys gymnasium of arts, where he studied choir conducting (teacher Zita Kariniauskienė). In 2020, he became a prize winner in the X Republican Young Conductors competition. In 2021 Vilius won 2nd prize at the Republican Juozas Naujalis Young Choir Conductor competition. Since the fall of 2021, Vilius has been continuing conducting studies at the National M. K. Čiurlionis school of arts under the guidance of the principal conductor at the Lithuania National Opera and Ballet theater, Ričardas Šumila. Vilius’ passions are history, arts, especially music, the making and restoration of musical instruments. Painting and piano improvisation are other passions Vilius enjoys.


Harpsichordist, composer, currently studying at ZPSM nr 1 in Warsaw.

He learned to play the carillon during lessons and courses at the Academy of Music in Gdańsk (Monika Kaźmierczak, Eddy Mariën, Gert Oldenbeuving, Christiaan Winter).

Witold is interested in connecting two worlds of early and contemporary music, often using both electronic and historical instruments and analysing them from the perspective of microtonality.


A Highschool student from Klaipėda Vydūnas gymnasium, Lithuania who likes to engage in various musical activities such as playing the piano, singing in a choir and an ensemble and writing reviews about musical pieces.

Urtė started her carillon journey in September 2022 by joining the “Atrask Karilioną” (Discover the Carillon) program in Klaipėda, which is hosted by her teacher Monika Kazmierczak.

Urtė aspires to surround herself with the world of music even after school and wishes to work in the music and sound engineering industry. She loves to learn musical theory and practice by participating in different activities.


Born in 2001 in Gdańsk, a student of the Faculty of Church Music at the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk and a student of the Secondary School of Music in Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz in organ class. He learns to play the carillon with Dr. Monika Kaźmierczak and participates in numerous courses of this instrument.


First year saxophone student at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. He has been play the carillon since 2019. In that time, he has participated in multiple festivals including last year’s Gdańsk Carillon Festival. Currently, he studies carillon with Monika Kaźmierczak.


(born in 2003 in Mostyska, Lviv Oblast) – graduated from the Mostyska Secondary School with Polish as the language of instruction and Mostyska Art School in piano and guitar classes. He is a graduate of the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk specialising in Church Music. He learned how to play the carillon from the Gdańsk carillonist Dr. Monika Kaźmierczak. He performed during carillon concerts in the tower of St. Catherine’s Church and the Main Town Hall.