11.08 – Friday – 8:30 pm
/ the tower of St Catherine’s Church /
Ode to Neptune, Ancient God of the Water
Meike Warmoeskerken & Janno den Engelsman (The Netherlands)
Géo Clement (1902-1969)
Johann Strauß II (1825-1899)
Walc Nad pięknym, modrym Dunajem op. 314 (opr. J. den Engelsman)
Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759)
Muzyka na wodzie HWV 348:
-Uwertura (Largo-Allegro)
-A’ la Hornpipe
Mathieu Daniel Polak (*1972) duet z Meike Warmoeskerken
Godesberg Suite:
-nr 1
-nr 4
Yiruma (*1978) duet z Meike Warmoeskerken
River Flows in You
Geert d’Hollander (*1965)
ok. godz. 21.15
Beniamin Baczewski (*1991)
Płynna materia (2016) na carillon, elektronikę i Fontannę Heweliusza
studied organ, harpsichord and church music at the Utrecht Conservatory and took private lessons with the organist Liuwe Tamminga in Bologna (Italy). In 2006, he was awarded the Sakko Cultuurprijs voor Kunsten en Letteren for his musical activities. He won prizes at several organ contests. In 2007, he took his Master’s at the Netherlands Carillon School in Amersfoort; he also attended carillon courses at the University College Roosevelt in Middelburg with Geert D’hollander.
He gave carillon recitals in Europe and the USA. Between 2009 and 2013 he was a board member of de Nederlandse Klokkenspel Vereniging, the Dutch guild of carillonneurs.
He teaches carillon at Bergen op Zoom Cultural Center and is city a carillonneur of the historical cities Zierikzee, with its 16th century chime, Bergen op Zoom and Middelburg.
studied music education at Fontys Hogescholen in Tilburg. She continued her studies at the Utrecht Conservatory where she graduated in 2005 in Wind Orchestra Conducting (HaFaBra Conducting). She completed the Choral Conducting course at the same institute in 2019. In 2015 she obtained her second-degree qualification at the Royal Carillon School „Jef Denijn” in Mechelen (B). In 2021 Meike successfully completed the Professional Psychodynamic Coach training. She is currently active as a conductor, as teacher at Zeeland Music Academy and she has her own practice as a Psychodynamic Coach.